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Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


Stuff      :
                Chicken  1 kg
                150 ml Sweet soy sauce
                2 Limes
                40 skewers
Ingredients         :
                250 gr peanut (fry)
                4 garlics
                5 onions
                2 red chili
500 ml water
2 fragrant leaf
Salt as sufficient
                                                                                   100 ml Sweet soy sauce

How to Cook      :
1.       Cut the chicken meat into a dice, then skew it with skewer
2.       Drill all of the ingredients except sauce, fragrant leaf and water until soft, then mix it with water, soy sauce, fragrant leaf and cook it until have oil, then lift it
3.       Smear the chicken meat with the soy sauce which is added by peanut flavor until blended
4.       Roast satay while been back and forth and smear the side with peanut flavor, lift it
5.       Serve it with peanut flavor and lime
6.       GOOD TASTE!!

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012


Stuff      :

Ingredients         :
                10 onions
                7 very hot chili peppers
                8 green chili
                3 pieces of small fragrant leaf
Tamarind as sufficient
Water  as sufficient
1 citronella (bruised)
2 green tomatoes

How to Cook      :
1.       Cut the chicken as you taste,  wash it, smear it with salt, tamarind and water. Wait until 20 minutes then fry it.
2.       Green chili, very hot chili pepper, onions, tomatoes are pounded roughly.  Fry it with hot oil
3.       Pour the citronella  and small fragrant leaf, cook it around 10 seconds then turn off the stove
4.       Pour  the chicken and mix it, take the citronella and the small fragrant leaf away.
5.       It ready to be served and GOOD TASTE!!!

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


OK. Thank you. For the first time I would like to say thank you to Allah SWT whohas given us health, time and chance to feel all of the special gifts everyday and then, I want to say “sallallahu alaihi wasallam” to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has spent his life for islam which has brought human from stupid condition to be like now, as you see.
The Honorable, The Head of Islamic Junior High School
The Honorable, all teachers of Islamic Junior High School
The Honorable my beloved sisters and brothers
Next to all of my friends
Then, I really respect to all of the audiences here that always pay attention and have the big spirit to come here. Well, in this chance I would like like to give a speech entitled “Negative effects of Narkoba”
In Indonesia “Narkoba” stands for narcotics and forbidden drugs. It is like heroin, sabu-sabu and putau. Nowadays teenagers tend to use it. Most of them consume it to disappear and overcome their problems.
Unfortunately, they don’t think about the effect later on. It can break their neuron system, If do consume it. They can’t lose control. So,  they will do all efforts, such as stealing money, killing the people to get it. Like Allah SWT said in Al-Maidah:90
The main point of this ayah tells that the wine and gambling are a bad job from devil, so that we must avoid it.
Moreover, there are some negative effects of narkoba, namely:
1.       The user can be die in a tragic way
2.       The user becomes addicted, otherwise they will suck their own blood
3.       The users’ body become thinner
4.       They will lose their future
There are many others negative effects of using narkoba. So, to anyone who do not consume it yet, never ever try it and please avoid it. This is the end of my speech, I’m so sorry for made mistakes. For last, thank you for your attention.