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Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Lesson Plan By Using GBA


Sekolah                       : SLTA
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : X/II
Pertemuan Ke             :
Alokasi Waktu            : 2x 15’

Standar Kompetensi   : 11. Membaca
                                             Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
12. Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Kompetensi Dasar                :
11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: News Item

12.2 Mmengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: News Item

Indikator                     : 11.2
·         Mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi penting terkait didalam teks News Item berupa topic sentence, main idea dan tujuan komunikatif dari teks yang dibaca
·         Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika (generic structure) didalam teks yang dibaca

·         Menulis sebuah teks News Item dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah retorika (generic structure)
·         Menggunakan reported speech dan passive form dalam menuliskan sebuah berita

I.                   Tujuan Pembelajaran
Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:
·         Mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi penting terkait didalam teks News Item berupa topic sentence, main idea dan tujuan komunikatif dari teks yang dibaca secara tepat dan benar
·         Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika (generic structure) didalam teks yang dibaca dengan baik dan benar
·         Menulis News Item teks dengan langkah-langkah retorika (generic structure) yang baik dan benar
·         Menggunakan reported speech dan passive voice form dalam menuliskan sebuah berita dalam News Item teks secara tepat

II.                Materi Standar
Contoh News Item Text


JOHANNESBURG: June, 11: The BBC reports the 2010 FIFA World Cup has been insured for more than $9 billion. Anyone with a stake in the event has taken out insurance. This includes FIFA (the governing body that runs world football), national teams, television companies covering the tournament and advertisers. The insurance cover includes delays to games and injuries to players. An insurance spokeswoman said: "If the opening ceremony is delayed, that will affect the broadcasters, because they've got their advertising slots in place.” She also said the final was insured: “If the final has to be delayed, for whatever reason, people might want money back for their tickets." Players are insured for up to $40 million each if they get injured, depending on how big a star they are.
FIFA decided not to insure the cancellation of the World Cup. Officials said they chose not to cover this risk because “even if the event is delayed for any reason, it is extremely unlikely that it would be called off”. South Africa has been working hard to ensure the event takes place safely. There have been several terrorism threats so the government has beefed up its security. South Africa’s Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa said the country is prepared and “will take no chances” with security. “The police force is ready…Police will be everywhere, ready for anything. This is the epitome of our security plan; we will cover every corner because we do not have any no-go areas,” he said. He will use 41,000 police officers, 100 BMW patrol cars, 10 water cannons and surveillance equipment.

Generic Structure of News Item text
·         Newsworthy events
(Tells about the event in summary form: when/ where did the story take place? how many people were involved? And who were they?)
·         Background events
(Elaborates what happened, how many events are there in the news?)
·         Sources
(Comment by participants, witnesses, authorities, and expert involved in the event)

The Communicative Purpose of News Item text
To inform readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important?

Language Feature of News Item text
1.      Using reported speech
(E.g. she also said the final was insured)
2.      Using passive voice form
(E.g. FIFA World Cup has been insured for more than $9 billion)

III.             Metode Pembelajaran: GBI (Genre Based Instruction)
IV.             Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
A.    Kegiatan Awal (5’)
1.      Greeting
“Morning class! How is everything?”
2.      Check class condition
“Now, look at your chair? Is it tidy?”
OK, make it tidy first! Finish?
Let starts our lesson by pronouncing “Basmalah”
3.      Check attendance list
“Is anybody absent today?
4.      Give motivation to the students
“Our topic today is very important for you because it will be tested in your final exam. So, please be serious and keep your attention along this lesson!”
5.      Giving the hint and the learning purpose
In this lesson, I will give you a text and you’ll do some activities. In the first activity, you will read the text silently and answer the questions of the text. I’ll ask you to write down the answer on the whiteboard. The second activity, you will work in group and make News Item text based on the answers that have been discussed before. Last, you’ll work individually and make a News Item text by using your own words completely.
At the end of this lesson, I hope you can identify the information found in the text and the communicative purpose of the text.  You will able to write News Item text by applying the generic structure of the text and using reported speech and passive form correctly
6.      Review of the relevant subject
(Teacher show to the students a sentence by using card) “Rice is cooked by my mother. Look at this sentence! What is the form of this sentence? You have studied about it before, right?
7.      Apperception 
“Have you ever watched television? What kinds of program you ever watch? Is there any news program?

B.     Kegiatan Inti (20’)
1.      BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field) (3’)
a)      The students look at to the journalist’s picture showed by the teacher  and answer some questions
OK, look at this picture! What is he doing? Good! He informs news to the listeners and viewers, maybe injury news, bad news, celebration news, etc.
If we talk about celebration news, what is the current celebration news that happens in the world now?
b)      The students look at to the World Cup trophy’s picture showed by the teacher and answer the teacher’s question
Now, look at this picture! What picture is it? In what event, you find thing in this picture?
c)      The students look at to the FIFA World Cup epitome 2010 of South Africa showed by the teacher and answer some question
How about this one? What picture is it? Whose logo is it?

2.      MOT (Modeling of Text) (7’)
a)      The students get the text from the teacher
b)      The students read a text given by the teacher silently
c)      The students discuss about the difficult words together with the teacher
(A student ask a difficult word to the teacher) OK, who knows what the meaning of that word? (If the students do not know, the teacher will give illustration to guide the students find the meaning of that word)
d)     The students answer some questions based on the text randomly such as:
·    What is the text telling about?
·    What is the main idea of the text?
·    Where did the event happen?
·    When did the event happen?
·    How many people were involved in the event?
·    Who were they?
·    What is the event happen in the news? In what paragraph you can find it?
·    How many events were in the news?
·    Who is the source of the event?
·    What is the purpose of the text?
e)      The students write down the answer of those questions in the whiteboard like the teacher’s command
f)       The teacher explain the lesson (generic structure) based on the students’ answer
g)      The teacher explain about the communicative purpose of the text and give the example of the language feature found in the text, such as: reported speech and passive form
JOHANNESBURG: June, 11: The BBC reports the 2010 FIFA World Cup has been insured for more than $9 billion. She also said the final was insured: “If the final has to be delayed, for whatever reason, people might want money back for their tickets.
h)      The teacher ask the students to identify the language features found in the text
1.      JCOT (Joint Construction of Text) (5’)
a)      The students work in group
b)      The students are divided into some groups
c)      The teacher submit the students’ text that have given before
d)     The students get the instruction from the teacher, such as:
Before, you have answered some questions and we have classified it based on the text organization and Now, I want you to re-write News Item text based on the answer found in the white board. Please discuss it in your group!
e)      The students discuss in their group based on the teacher’s instruction
2.      ICOT (Individual Construction of Text) (5’)
a)      The students work individually
b)      The students get the instruction from the teacher such as:
Before, you have discussed in your group and now, you will work individually. Your task is please re-writing the News Item text by using your own words.
c)      The students apply the text organization in their writing
d)     The students use reported speech and passive form in their writing
B.     Kegiatan Akhir (5’)
1.      The teacher does evaluation to the students by using the News Item text and asks the students to answer some questions and fill the blank table based on the text.
2.      The students conclude the lesson
3.      The teacher give home work to the students
4.      The teacher closes the lesson

V.                Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
Alat/ Bahan
-          Gambar
-          Kertas Koran
-          Kartu
Sumber Belajar
-          Buku:
Look a Head for Grade X page: 173
English in Context for grade X page: 93
-          Internet
VI.             Penilaian
1.      Teknik Penilaian:
Reading: Tulisan
Writing: Produk
2.      Bentuk Penilaian:
Reading: Question List & Blank Table
Writing: re-writing a News Item text by using own words
3.      Contoh Instrumen Penilaian
1.      Reading
      Rubric Penilaian Reading

Task: Please answer the following questions and fill the blank table based on the text!
Three Die After Attending Marriage Ceremony
Three residents were killed, while dozens of others were wounded after a pickup truck they were taking to attend a marriage ceremony overturned in Jingkang village, Banyumas Regency, on Sunday.
The pickup was carrying 30 passangers, mostly women, when it failed to ascend a steep road on its way back from the ceremony
As a result, the passangers were squeezed. The wounded passangers were later rushed to the Ajibarang regional public hospital.
Local police are investigating the cause of the accident.

1.      How many passengers are in the pickup? (5 point)
a.       10 passengers
b.      30 passengers
c.       15 passengers
d.      40 passengers
2.      ….. they were taking to attend marriage ceremony (paragraph 1 line 2). The underlined word refers to…… (5 point)
a.       Pickup
b.      Women
c.       Three residents
d.      Police
3.      The synonym of word wounded (paragraph 1 line 1) is…. (5 point)
a.       Injure
b.      Hurt
c.       Fall
d.      Victim
4.      Who investigates the cause of the accident? (5 point)
a.       Passengers
b.      Residents
c.       Victims
d.      Police
5.      When it failed to ascend a steep road. It refers to…….. (5 point)
a.       Pickup
b.      Hospital
c.       Way
d.      Ceremony


5 point


10 point


25 point


25 point


5 point
75 point

2.      Writing
      Rubric Penilaian Writing
Elements of Writing News Item Text
Generic Structure
·         Newsworthy Events
-  Place
- Date
- How many people involve
- Who are they
·         Background Events
-  Events
·         Sources
- Participants
- Witness
- Authorities
- Expert

Language Feature
·         Reported Speech
·         Passive Form


Keterangan:     Yes: 1
                No: 0                                                                                                                                 Batusangkar, July 14, 2010
                                              Guru Mata Pelajaran

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hafizhah Rahmani

Enclosure: text for MOT
Task: please read this text and answer the following questions!
JOHANNESBURG: June, 11: The BBC reports the 2010 FIFA World Cup has been insured for more than $9 billion. Anyone with a stake in the event has taken out insurance. This includes FIFA (the governing body that runs world football), national teams, television companies covering the tournament and advertisers. The insurance cover includes delays to games and injuries to players. An insurance spokeswoman said: "If the opening ceremony is delayed, that will affect the broadcasters, because they've got their advertising slots in place.” She also said the final was insured: “If the final has to be delayed, for whatever reason, people might want money back for their tickets." Players are insured for up to $40 million each if they get injured, depending on how big a star they are.
FIFA decided not to insure the cancellation of the World Cup. Officials said they chose not to cover this risk because “even if the event is delayed for any reason, it is extremely unlikely that it would be called off”. South Africa has been working hard to ensure the event takes place safely. There have been several terrorism threats so the government has beefed up its security. South Africa’s Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa said the country is prepared and “will take no chances” with security. “The police force is ready…Police will be everywhere, ready for anything. This is the epitome of our security plan; we will cover every corner because we do not have any no-go areas,” he said. He will use 41,000 police officers, 100 BMW patrol cars, 10 water cannons and surveillance equipment.

·    What is the text telling about?
·    What is the main idea of the text?
·    Where did the event happen?
·    When did the event happen?
·    How many people were involved in the event?
·    Who were they?
·    What is the event happen in the news? In what paragraph you can find it?
·    How many events were in the news?
·    Who is the source of the event?
·    What is the purpose of the text?
Three Die After Attending Marriage Ceremony
Three residents were killed, while dozens of others were wounded after a pickup truck they were taking to attend a marriage ceremony overturned in Jingkang village, Banyumas Regency, on Sunday.
The pickup was carrying 30 passangers, mostly women, when it failed to ascend a steep road on its way back from the ceremony
As a result, the passangers were squeezed. The wounded passangers were later rushed to the Ajibarang regional public hospital.
Local police are investigating the cause of the accident.
1.      How many passengers are in the pickup? (5 point)
a.       10 passengers
b.      30 passengers
c.       15 passengers
d.      40 passengers
2.      ….. they were taking to attend marriage ceremony (paragraph 1 line 2). The underlined word refers to…… (5 point)
a.       Pickup
b.      Women
c.       Three residents
d.      Police
3.      The synonym of word wounded (paragraph 1 line 1) is….. (5 point)
a.       Injure
b.      Hurt
c.       Fall
d.      Victim
4.      Who investigates the cause of the accident? (5 point)
a.       Passengers
b.      Residents
c.       Victims
d.      Police
5.      When it failed to ascend a steep road. It refers to…….. (5 point)
a.       Pickup
b.      Hospital
c.       Way
d.      Ceremony